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Tag Archives: Acupuncture

Five Benefits of Consistent Acupuncture Treatments

In a nutshell, traditional acupuncture, also known as Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM, works under the belief that the body is controlled by a flow of energy called qi

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Cancer Treatment Side Effects? Acupuncture to the Rescue

Cancer treatments can cause a variety of other side effects that also need to be addressed. More and more research is showing acupuncture as a viable option for additional

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Acupuncture & Skin Conditions

Got Acne, Eczema or Psoriasis? Acupuncture Can Help

Our skin is our most visible organ and can often be the first thing people notice about us. If you suffer from

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Acupuncture for Weight Loss

Most of us have those pesky few pounds that just won’t release their grip on us. We might try the latest diet or exercise trend but that weight just

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Treating Sciatica Pain with Acupuncture

Anyone who has suffered from sciatic nerve pain can tell you it can be a very debilitating condition. It is typically caused by an impingement of the sciatic nerve

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