Are you or someone you know…

- Wanting help with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSS)
- Needing emotional relief from intense stressful life circumstances?
“The researchers note that acupuncture is “a safe, potentially non-stigmatizing treatment that reduces symptoms of anxiety, depression, and chronic pain….” They add that the under utilization of mental healthcare workers “suggest(s) that a novel and effective treatment option may help increase the proportion of those with PTSD who seek early treatment.” They note, “Acupuncture is a novel and therapeutic option that may help to improve population reach of PTSD treatment.” The study concludes, “Acupuncture was effective for reducing PTSD symptoms.” This quote is taken from the article below depicting how acupuncture alone helps Military personal suffering with PTSD.
Acupuncture For Military PTSD Found Effective