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Golden Heart Found

When I am up to something I often ask Spirit to give me a sign that I am on the right track.  It’s a game that I have played with myself and Spirit since I was a child.  It is fun and often surprising what I receive back after asking.  As I have been in creation with Nature’s Wisdom Healing Center, my new clinic, soon to be Sarasota’s newest Acupuncture clinic, I asked Spirit if I was on the right track to move forward. “If this clinic is truly to be of service to all and it is in alignment for it be successful now, show me the way,” I said this inside of my day-dreaming self as I looked at the location I picked out for Nature’s Wisdom Healing Center. Then I looked down and on the pavement I saw this sign from Spirit smiling back at me, a Golden Heart Leaf.  We’re on!

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