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The Benefits of Eating for the Seasons

The Benefits of Eating for the Seasons

Restaurants that have revolving seasonal menus have gained in popularity in recent years. The concept of seasonal eating has deep roots. Before the advent of modern agriculture and global trade, people naturally consumed foods that were locally available during specific times of the year. But today, the convenience of supermarkets allows us to eat almost any fruit or vegetable year-round. While this accessibility is convenient, it disconnects us from the natural cycles of food and may not always be the healthiest or most sustainable choice. Let’s delve into the benefits of eating for the seasons and how it can transform your health, environment, and culinary experience. continue reading »

Food as Medicine

whole food nutrition

Nutrient Rich Whole Food Is Nature’s Medicine

There is a difference between nutrient rich foods and isolated chemical nutrients. Have you ever thought about this? Nutrient rich foods are naturally grown, minimally processed, and enjoyed; isolated chemical nutrients are made in a laboratory and sold in a bottle with the word “nature” or “natural” on it along with beautiful images of nature. People purchase chemically isolated nutrients because they believe that vitamin A, B, C, D and/or E can help them. The problem is that chemically isolated nutrients are not natural at all and are not absorbed and utilized by the body like vitamins and minerals found in whole food form. Science cannot outsmart Mother Nature.

Why do we need whole food supplements

Lacking in the Basics

Our Western diets, high in processed foods and low in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, keep our bodies from getting the nutrients nesecary to thrive. Deficiencies decrease our health and increase our risk of disease. One of the tenents of Functional Nutrition, a  a common-sense approach to health based on the philosophy that food is medicine, is that diseases are caused by nutritional gaps in our diet. An example of this is from the 1800’s when the British Navy added limes and lemons to the diets of their sailors to prevent death by scurvey? This is why sailors earned the name “Limeys”. 

Today, we are fortunate to have the legacy of Dr. Royal Lee, the founder of Standard Process, an organic farm in Wisconsin that specializes in nutient rich supplements made from organic whole food ingredients. “One of the biggest tragedies of human civ ilization is the precedence of chemical therapy over nutrition.” – Dr. Royal Lee, Founder of Standard Process.To learn more about this brilliant man, who was a champion for the nature first, drugs last philosophy, enjoy reading this booklet, The-Story-of-Dr-Royal-Lee

Watch Charles DuBois, President of Standard Process  and great-nephew of Dr. Royal Lee, share his continued commitment to Standard Process.Standard-Process-Product-Guide-Single

View list of Standard Process Products available for purchase on-line here.

Choose A Whole Food Diet 

Cody Denton, Nutrition Respose Testing Practitioner
Mary Cetan, FL Board Certified Acupuncture Physician

A lifetime of poor choices can lead to all kinds of health problems and adversely affect our quality of life. Making simple and smart choices regarding what foods you put into your mouth also has a generational impact on the physical attributes of your offspring and on those who look to you as an example. To gain professional help with this time tested philosophy of Food As Medicine you can enjoy working with the professionals at Nature’s Wisdom Healing Center-Mary Cetan. With the expertize of Cody Denton, a Nutrition Response Testing Practitioner you can receive an individualized supplement schedule that addresses your chief health concerns and helps you build long term health. Mary Cetan, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, also includes Standard Process nutrient rich supplements in the healing plans for her patients. Reach out on form below to let us know how we can help you.

Acupuncture for Healthy Weight Loss

Weight Loss - your healthy weight loss program can include acupuncture

If you struggle with your weight, you’re not alone. In fact, more than 30% of all U.S. adults meet the criteria for being obese.1 Americans spend billions of dollars annually on weight loss products, but obesity is still on the rise. People are even turning to surgery as a weight loss option. This is a drastic measure and can cause unwanted side effects. continue reading »

Balance Your Body – Stave off COVID-19

If you feel like you’re battling frequent colds, a cough that won’t quit, or just seem to be tired all the time, it may benefit you to find time for a daily walk or simple exercise routine. Doing this a few times per week can have many health benefits and help build your immune system.

Viruses such as COVID-19 take hold in our bodies when our immune systems are at their weakest points. Below are a few ways to help increase your immune function so your body can function as it’s meant to and stay balanced! continue reading »

Foods to Eat to Help Depression

Many have heard the question posed what came first, the chicken or the egg? But how does that concept apply to depression? It’s well-known that when we’re depressed, our motivation and interest in maintaining a healthy and balanced diet subsides in the same way our energy does. Harvard Medical Students positioned that same question in relation to depression; what came first, depression or a poor diet? continue reading »

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