Some common questions about acupuncture are answered below. If have other questions reach on “Contact Us”.
Diseases, symptoms or conditions for which the therapeutic effect of acupuncture has been shown but for which further proof is needed:
Some common questions about acupuncture are answered below. If have other questions reach on “Contact Us”.
Acupuncture is an ancient, safe and effective treatment and also a complete and holistic medical system. Practitioners of Oriental Medicine have used acupuncture as a treatment method to support healing for thousands of years. Acupuncture is often utilized along with herbal therapy and medicated diet to help millions of people across the world to get well and stay healthy.
An acupuncture physician will place fine, sterile needles at specific acupuncture points on the body depending on the determined diagnosis. This activates the body’s energy to promote healing. Intentionally placed acupuncture needles improve the overall function and well-being of the patient while resolving symptoms and alleviating pain.
You will be listened to; you will have a discussion with your acupuncturist about your health in general and your current health issues; you will be examined by the feel of your wrist pulses and the look of your tongue. As a result of the observational exam, a Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis will be determined by your Acupuncture Physician. Your Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis will explain, in TCM terms, where your Qi, or energy, has become blocked, imbalanced, rebellious, falling, rising, deficient or excess. After your exam, you will receive an acupuncture treatment. Other adjunct treatment modalities are utilized along with acupuncture including moxibustion-heat therapy and cupping-circulation therapy. After your initial acupuncture treatment, you will receive a recommended a follow up plan. Your initial exam and acupuncture treatment are scheduled for 60 minutes; follow-up acupuncture visits are scheduled for 45 minutes; re-evaluation exams are scheduled for 60 minutes and follow the pattern of the initial exam.
There are twelve pulse positions on each wrist that your acupuncturist will palpate. Each position corresponds to a specific meridian and organ. Your acupuncturist will be looking for twenty-seven individual qualities that reflect overall health. If there are any problems, they may appear in the pulse.
Your tongue is a map of the torso of your body and is a representation of the organs that live there. Your tongue reflects the general health of the organs and their function in your body; the amount of energy you have or lack; the state of your digestion; if you are in pain; and more. The color, shape, coating, markings and presentation of your tongue helps in determining your Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis which you will find on your Report of Findings after your exam.
Chinese herbal medicine is a stand alone medical system and a powerful adjunct to acupuncture care. Herbal medicine is a used to strengthen, build and support the body and also to clear it of excess problems like a cold, fever, toxins and pain. When herbal medicine and acupuncture are used together, the result is greater than either modality alone.
Acupuncture is safe and very effective for children, as they normally respond more quickly than adults. When we use acupuncture needles with children, the needles to not stay in as long as they do with adults. Often we use non-needle methods to stimulate the acupuncture points including massage, point simulators, heat, press seeds and cupping.
The number of treatments will vary from person to person depending on a variety of factors including your health history, the severity and duration of your health concern, what you have done so far to address the issue, the current state of your health, your lifestyle and your desired outcome. Do you want to get to the root of your health problem? Are you wanting to move into a healthier future? Do you just want to get out of pain or be free from the nagging symptoms that brings you to acupuncture?
All that being said, some people do experience fast relief from a short series of acupuncture treatments. More realistic is that it will take a month of treatment for every year the health problem has been an issue.
We offer a Complimentary Consultation to help you understand the value of acupuncture for your health and the fees for acupuncture treatment. Some insurance plans cover acupuncture, find out if you are covered here: Insurance Verification for Acupuncture
Our office does accept insurance. However, insurance coverage varies depending on your insurance company and policy plan. To find out if you are covered by your insurance policy for our services select the “Insurance Verification” button on the right side of the web page and fill out your information. We will be notified of your coverage and we will contact you via email with the results.
Acupuncture is extremely safe. It is an all-natural, drug-free therapy, yielding no side effects just feelings of relaxation and well-being. There is little danger of infection from acupuncture needles because they are sterile, used once, and then discarded.
Legal standards for practicing acupuncture vary from state to state. Identifying a competent acupuncture practitioner need not be trial and error. Thanks to the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM ®) consumers can locate board certified acupuncturists by visiting the NCCAOM website at NCCAOM publishes contact information for practitioners who are nationally certified in Acupuncture, Oriental Medicine, and Chinese Herbology.
Since the founding of NCCAOM, over 30 years ago, the NCCAOM has issued over 33,000 certificates to its Diplomates (nationally board-certified practitioners). Certification by the NCCAOM indicates that Diplomates have met national standards for education and examination to determine safe and competent practice. The NCCAOM is accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) of the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE).
To be certified as an NCCAOM certified acupuncturist, a practitioner must:
• Meet NCCAOM’s Education Eligibility Standards
• Pass a series of rigorous certification examinations, to include Foundations of Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture with Point Location and Bio-Medicine
• Abide by the NCCAOM® Code of Ethics
• Document maintenance of competency through required number of continuing education credits every four years
It is very important for the public to know that here is a TREMENDOUS difference between an NCCAOM® Certified Diplomate of Acupuncture / Oriental Medicine and other healthcare providers who can legally practice acupuncture. In the state of Florida, a Master’s in Oriental Medicine is required to be eligible to take the NCCAOM board exam. In some states, chiropractors, medical doctors, dentists, podiatrists and even physical therapists may be allowed to administer acupuncture treatments and their requirements do not meet the stringent NCCAOM education and assessment standards.
Acupuncture is so much more than the mechanics of placing needles in the body. Acupuncture is a Medical System that includes understanding the philosophy, the diagnostic skill set, the clinical training, the continued education requirements to keep state and national board certification current, and more. Acupuncture Cert BrochureOM-Certification-BrochureCH Certification Brochure
According to the World Health Organization, Acupuncture has been proven, through controlled trials, to be an effective treatment for the following diseases and health conditions:
Diseases, symptoms or conditions for which the therapeutic effect of acupuncture has been shown but for which further proof is needed:
Diseases, symptoms or conditions for which there are only individual controlled trials reporting some therapeutic effects, but for which acupuncture is worth trying because treatment by conventional and other therapies is difficult:
Diseases, symptoms or conditions for which acupuncture may be tried provided the practitioner has special modern medical knowledge and adequate monitoring equipment: