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Tag Archives: Acupuncture

Acupuncture for Better Circulation

Perhaps the greatest benefit of acupuncture is that this form of medicine has been practiced for thousands of years and has been specifically used to increase circulation for centuries.

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Acupuncture for a Healthy Prostate

Prostate health might not be at the top of every guy’s health checklist but it’s important for men to get checked and get checked early if they have a

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Benefits of Acupuncture in Treating Immune Deficiency

Boosting immunity has become the buzzword of the last two years of the pandemic as everyone has examined ways to keep their immune systems strong to repel Covid-19. And most

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Using Acupuncture to Treat Liver & Kidney Health: Why it Works

According to the National Institutes of Health, chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects more than 1 in 7 U.S. adults (an estimated 37 million). And the Centers for

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Benefits of Acupuncture during Pregnancy

Bringing a child into the world is one of life’s greatest gifts. But, along with the anticipation of that little bundle of joy, often comes some physical challenges and

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