Legal standards for practicing acupuncture vary from state to state. Identifying a competent acupuncture practitioner need not be trial and error. Thanks to the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM ®) consumers can locate board certified acupuncturists by visiting the NCCAOM website at NCCAOM publishes contact information for practitioners who are nationally certified in Acupuncture, Oriental Medicine, and Chinese Herbology.
Since the founding of NCCAOM, over 30 years ago, the NCCAOM has issued over 33,000 certificates to its Diplomates (nationally board-certified practitioners). Certification by the NCCAOM indicates that Diplomates have met national standards for education and examination to determine safe and competent practice. The NCCAOM is accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) of the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE).
To be certified as an NCCAOM certified acupuncturist, a practitioner must:
• Meet NCCAOM’s Education Eligibility Standards
• Pass a series of rigorous certification examinations, to include Foundations of Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture with Point Location and Bio-Medicine
• Abide by the NCCAOM® Code of Ethics
• Document maintenance of competency through required number of continuing education credits every four years
It is very important for the public to know that here is a TREMENDOUS difference between an NCCAOM® Certified Diplomate of Acupuncture / Oriental Medicine and other healthcare providers who can legally practice acupuncture. In the state of Florida, a Master’s in Oriental Medicine is required to be eligible to take the NCCAOM board exam. In some states, chiropractors, medical doctors, dentists, podiatrists and even physical therapists may be allowed to administer acupuncture treatments and their requirements do not meet the stringent NCCAOM education and assessment standards.
Acupuncture is so much more than the mechanics of placing needles in the body. Acupuncture is a Medical System that includes understanding the philosophy, the diagnostic skill set, the clinical training, the continued education requirements to keep state and national board certification current, and more. Acupuncture Cert BrochureOM-Certification-BrochureCH Certification Brochure