Traditional Chinese Medicine is a complete system of medicine that has 5000 year old roots. It is based on observation and interaction with nature. When you come to us as a patient, we view your body as a landscape and the presenting symptoms as details of that landscape that have gone astray. Your symptoms lead us to a specific diagnosis of your health problem and we work out a treatment plan that includes both the relief of your symptoms and the restoration of your whole body and its many interconnected systems.
From our Traditional Chinese Medicine professional toolbox: we administer acupuncture to stimulate your body to self-heal; we prescribe herbal medicine to support your specific healing pathway and we give professional lifestyle advice to support resolving your symptoms today and for prevention potential future symptoms. From our modern professional toolbox, we utilize modern healing modalities too such as homeopathy, professional nutritional advice, drinking water recommendation and more.
To sum up Nature’s Wisdom Healing principles, I am borrowing the 6 Principles of Healing from Naturopthy as it is a more modern and organized way of describing natural medicine as found in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy and other natural healing systems. 1. Do no harm. 2. The healing power of nature. 3. Identify and treat the cause. 4. The physician as a teacher. 5. Treat the whole person. 6. Prevention and wellness.