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BiomeFx Stool Test by Microbiome Labs

BiomeFx™️ has a higher DNA capture than any other popular stool test on the market. This is because of a DNA sequencing method called whole-genome sequencing. This allows the test to see not only the presence of certain gut microbes, but also their precise abundance so that we can measure ratios of bacteria and determine ratios of dysbiosis for each individual.

Many stool tests use quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) or metatranscriptomics using RNA, rather than DNA. These methods can miss up to 50% of the microbes present in a stool sample and doesn’t offer information dysbiotic ratios.

Here are some key takeaways you will walk away with: 

☑️ Accurate, reliable results 

☑️ A deeper understanding of how your microbiome may be impacting your overall health

☑️ Individualized lifestyle and dietary recommendations 

☑️ Actionable outcome

See the BiomeFX™️ lab results sample below:


The statements above are from the Microbiome Lab. The statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The Microbiome Labs Total Gut Restoration Program is a 3-Month program designed to restore gut health. There are more products available through Microbiome Labs to address specific gut issues.  However, for many people, the Total Gut Restoration Program is a great place to start.

.ProductUseMicroBiomeNWHCIf you want to purchase the Total Gut Restoration Program products you can purchase at the clinic, have product mailed to you or you can order product on-line by using our Patient Direct code: natureswisdom

To work with Nature’s Wisdom Healing Center-Mary Cetan for your lab work & results analysis

  1. Schedule your New Patient Exam & Treatment
  2. Print, fill and bring Patient Forms
  3. Request access to our On-Line Body Systems Survey.
  4. In the message section below, indicate which lab test you are interested in. Pick up your lab test at your visit.
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